A collection of inquiries in
to understand the world
as an assembly of:






Curved Folding Assembly

Atlanta, GA
Program: Pavilion

Georgia Tech, Studio II

Instructor: Michelle Rinehart

How can subtractive operations unveil structural solutions?

A deep slice divides. A shallow slice creates. Variations of cutting and scoring in conjunction allow planar materials to be reconstituted into a structurally robust kit-of-parts. 

Module Aggregation: Curved folded struts with surface to surface tab connections

3D Printed Model of Script Applied to Site Constraints
As a system, the structure was designed to be dynamic in its homogeneity. Each module is the result of the same set of operations, parametrically adapted to produce a specific geometry in aggregation.

Process Array:  Ideation Sketching, Digital Modeling, Fabrication Prototyping

Parametric script is developed based on physical prototype feedback

Derivation of Surface Geometry; Scripting

Interior Renderings

Danny Griffin Selected Works 2014-2024